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3779 Votes


Name: Nagginda Leeora Shalom

Date of Birth: March 21, 2014

School: Sir Apollo Primary School Kisasi

Contestant Category: Inter-School Miss Uganda

Aspirations: Leeora aspires to become a Fashion Designer, driven by her passion for creativity and the desire to leave an artistic imprint on the world.

Talent: Swimming and Modeling

Bio: Nagginda Leeora Shalom, an enchanting and multi-talented contestant in the Inter-School Miss Uganda competition, proudly represents Sir Apollo Primary School Kisasi. Born on March 21, 2014, Leeora is a spirited and imaginative young girl with dreams of making a mark in the world of fashion.

Leeora’s ultimate goal is to become a Fashion Designer, inspired by her love for colors, patterns, and the transformative power of clothing. She envisions herself creating unique and expressive designs that inspire confidence and self-expression.

In addition to her academic pursuits, Leeora possesses two exceptional talents – swimming and modeling. Her aquatic prowess and graceful modeling not only showcase her diverse skill set but also serve as powerful forms of self-expression. Leeora believes that swimming and modeling allow her to convey a sense of elegance, strength, and confidence.

As a contestant in the Inter-School Miss Uganda competition, Leeora is excited to use her platform to promote the art of fashion design, encourage creativity, and showcase the importance of pursuing unconventional dreams. Through her dynamic swimming routines and expressive modeling, she aims to convey messages of self-confidence, uniqueness, and the beauty of embracing individuality.

Nagginda Leeora Shalom is not just a talented swimmer and model; she is a future fashion designer with a heart full of creativity and a commitment to leaving a lasting impact in the fashion industry. The Inter-School Miss Uganda stage provides her with the perfect opportunity to shine and inspire others to embrace their artistic passions with dedication and enthusiasm.