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4115 Votes


Name: Esther Munduru Kamure

Date of Birth: January 5, 2015

School: Sir Apollo Kisasi

Contestant Category: Inter-School Miss Uganda

Aspirations: Esther aspires to become a doctor with a focus on helping pregnant women, driven by her compassion for maternal health and the well-being of mothers.

Talent: Singing and Swimming

Bio: Esther Munduru Kamure, a charismatic and talented contestant in the Inter-School Miss Uganda competition, proudly represents Sir Apollo Kisasi. Born on January 5, 2015, Esther is a compassionate and determined young girl with a vision of making a positive impact on maternal health.

Esther’s ultimate goal is to become a doctor, specializing in providing care for pregnant women. Motivated by a deep sense of compassion, she envisions herself as a dedicated healthcare professional, ensuring the well-being of mothers and contributing to the health of future generations.

In addition to her academic pursuits, Esther has two remarkable talents – singing and swimming. Her melodious voice and aquatic prowess not only showcase her diverse skill set but also reflect her commitment to excellence. Esther believes that singing and swimming are not just hobbies but powerful forms of self-expression and physical well-being.

As a contestant in the Inter-School Miss Uganda competition, Esther aims to use her platform to raise awareness about maternal health, inspire other young individuals to pursue careers in healthcare, and showcase the importance of holistic well-being through her talents. Through her captivating singing performances and impressive swimming routines, she seeks to convey messages of strength, resilience, and the beauty of embracing one’s passions.

Esther Munduru Kamure is not just a talented singer and swimmer; she is a future doctor with a heart dedicated to maternal health. The Inter-School Miss Uganda stage provides her with the perfect opportunity to shine and inspire others to pursue their dreams while making a positive impact in the world.