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1410 Votes


Name: Aiden Michelle Khisa

Date of Birth: March 19, 2016

School: Sir Apollo Kagwa Kitintale

Contestant Category: Inter-School Miss Uganda

Aspirations: Aiden aspires to become a Surgeon Doctor, driven by her passion for healing and a commitment to making a difference in the field of medicine.

Talent: Dancing

Bio: Aiden Michelle Khisa, a vivacious and talented contestant in the Inter-School Miss Uganda competition, proudly represents Sir Apollo Kagwa Kitintale. Born on March 19, 2016, Aiden is a determined and compassionate young girl with dreams of contributing to the medical field.

Aiden’s ultimate goal is to become a Surgeon Doctor, inspired by her fascination with medicine and her desire to directly impact and improve the lives of others. She envisions herself as a skilled and empathetic surgeon, dedicated to providing exceptional healthcare and making a positive difference in the world of medicine.

In addition to her academic pursuits, Aiden has a natural flair for dancing. Her rhythmic movements and expressive performances not only showcase her talent but also serve as a form of artistic expression. Aiden believes that dance is a universal language that transcends boundaries and brings people together.

As a contestant in the Inter-School Miss Uganda competition, Aiden is excited to use her platform to promote awareness about healthcare, encourage aspiring medical professionals, and advocate for the importance of pursuing dreams. Through her captivating dance routines, she aims to convey messages of positivity, unity, and the joy of pursuing one’s passions.

Aiden Michelle Khisa is not just a talented dancer; she is a future Surgeon Doctor with a heart full of compassion and a commitment to making a meaningful impact in the medical field. The Inter-School Miss Uganda stage provides her with the perfect platform to shine and inspire others to pursue their dreams with dedication and enthusiasm.